Pics from fabrication of my desk. Welded steel frame on 5" rubber casters, 3/4" plywood surface inset and cable tray, sanded putty, candy white car finish... via a welder, carpenter and autobody mechanic.
Still getting used to moving the desk for/backward instead of my chair...

I used this axonometric drawing to explain the 4 ft x 4 ft frame to the welder (casters are welded to the steel frame) and the base Sketch-up model is available in Google 3D warehouse. Added two cross braces (2 in angle bar) at the bottom for stability, and so that each side of the desk has its own footrest.
is that the finished product (in white)?
"candy white car finish," nice.
Added more pics btw here:
Still need to add diagram explaining *why* the emphasis was on mobility and low maintenance... the desk is the only object in the room, and constantly moves around in response to sunlight, wind or whatever else motivates me to move it
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